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Who We Are Why Join? How To Join Where We Meet Keep up with us Our Events Latest Results Club Records
Who we are

Pudsey Pacers running club was founded in 1991. Since then, It has grown to nearly 300 members. Providing training and social activities for a wide range of ages and abilities.

In house competitions, team event entries, and Monthly Social events.

The occasional group trips to international running events, Palma de Mallorca (10k,HM,M), Budapest - Hungary(HM),Dublin(M)

Some of the Pudsey Pacers line up for West Yorkshire Winter League Series at Queensbury in 2018
Pudsey Pacers posing before Eccup 10 in 2015
Why Join?

The benefits of joining a running club are many and include:

Enjoy the company from other like minded runners, Inspiration and motivation, Safety from knowing that there are people about.

Experience different types of running such as cross country, track, trail running.

Benefit from coaching

Join in the club competitions

Advice from experienced runners

And of course it is one of the most healthy activities you will undertake.

How to join

Training nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays. We meet at Pudsey leisure centre and run in groups dependent on pace. We also have regular hill and speed sessions suitable for all abilities.

Anyone interested in running with Pudsey Pacers will need to contact us via email to get advice on joining or trying us out.

If you are interested please email

Pre race picture from WYAA heat at Kirkstall Abbey.
Pudsey Pacers possing before Eccup 10 in 2015
Where we meet

Tuesdays are formal training nights with a range of sessions. Including an all abilities session, encouraging all skill levels to train together as a team.

Other sessions are tailored to individuals pace, including beginners sessions.

Thursday are usually a steady run, grouped by pace.

First Tuesday of the month: the famous PPRC 31/29 pace management run.

Last Thursay of the month, is a social run, sometimes themed to the season, followed by varying local social events, usually involving pizza!

Pre race picture from YVAA heat at Kirkstall Abbey.
Pudsey Pacers possing before Eccup 10 in 2015
Keep up with us

The best way to keep up to date with us, is to subscribe to these socials.

Many members regulary post stories and photos of the various runs they take part in. Locally and all around the world.

Members receive access to a private Facebook group, where details of training and other scheduled events are shared.

Latest Results

Coming Soon!

Club Records

Coming Soon!